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“Tecitos Mexican Nacho Chips was keen to inject a little Mexican spirit into the brand. The key was to ensure our designs clearly communicated the authenticity of the product so it could attract real foodies. Jalapeno and Lime, Tomato and lime and Spicy Chilli and lime– this might just become your new favourite chips. Developing the packaging design for Tecitos Mexican Nacho Chips to make it more vibrant and appealing, as well as add in a bit of Mexican influence.” Images on the front of the bag show not only the chips but some of the amazing ingredients, and they’re absolutely mouthwatering. The text has a faded quality about it, communicating to consumers that Tecitos is a brand with history and makes chips the old-fashioned way—without nasty additives or unnecessary salt or grease.



Branding / Identity /  Packaging

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